Stib Meets...Victoria Wilson
Stib Meets….Victoria Wilson
This week we meet the inspiring woman behind the brilliantly curated online store; Finberry; ( & @_finberry) created to showcase a treasure trove of amazing clothing & children's brands, created by mothers, that are affordable & beautiful. Here she talks about trusting yourself, taking the plunge into new adventures & keeping going…
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A primary school teacher… but hats off to them - responsibility for one child is hard enough let alone 30!
What advice would you give to yourself as a child?
Follow your gut. It’s never wrong and I’ve always regretted the times I’ve ignored my instincts.
What was the 'big idea' which inspired you to set up your business?
I loved finding new brands for Finlay to wear but I often found that the stores were just so expensive. I discovered a lot of new brands through Instagram that were made by mothers and much more affordable. I started Finberry to hopefully offer a curated space to discover UK brands that aren’t easily found elsewhere on the high street.
What do you say to yourself when you need a confidence boost?
Just. Keep. Going. I find it more motivating to focus on small targets rather than always looking at the bigger picture as it can be too overwhelming. Weekly to do lists are my friend.
What's your favourite Stib word and why?
Freestyler. I recently left my full time job (and regular income!) to work freelance and it was the best decision. It took me a really long time to take the plunge as it felt like a financially irresponsible decision but it has been much easier than I expected and I’m so much happier both personally and professionally. Working full time and being a mum is really tough without a flexible employer. Working freelance means I have more control over how I spend my time and I can be more present for Finlay than I was commuting to London for work.