Stib Meets...Sarah Cooke
We've been chatting to Sarah Cook, founder of award-winning baby-safe ethical jewellery company, Halia Rose. She talks to us about playing lacrosse for England, the impact of colour on our mood and shares an important message for us all about following your dreams!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be an Olympic Swimmer! Whilst I did swim competitively to a high standard, I never made it to Olympic level as another sport took over and I played lacrosse for England instead! (My brother won an Olympic Silver Medal at the Rio Olympics so by association at least there’s one in the family!)
What advice would you give yourself as a child?
Have fun and be yourself. There is so much pressure around when you are young but it only gets more as you get older so hold onto the innocence of childhood for as long as possible!
What was your 'big idea' which inspired you to set up your business?
When I had my first baby I wanted to feel like me again and being able to wear gorgeous jewellery was part of this. I also noticed that colour had a real impact on my mood and I recognised other mums were in the same boat. The idea for Halia Rose jewellery was born! I believe every mum deserves to look and feel good (however old your children are!)
Halia Rose is an award-winning baby-safe ethical jewellery collection that is stylish but also practical and durable for busy mums. Made of 100% non-toxic and BPA free silicone it can be tugged, pulled, chewed etc and won't break (the jewellery is also dishwasher proof so you can keep them clean and as good as new every time you wear them!) Not only gorgeous as a statement piece day or night, they are ideal as teething accessories or fiddle beads when breastfeeding. I also have a range of baby teethers and children’s accessories to cater for all ages.
The name Halia Rose comes from a mix of my inspiration and roots...both my children were born in Singapore and I wanted something to reflect this as they were (and continue to be!) my inspiration plus also my English roots. Halia is the Malay translation for Ginger and Rose is the flower of daughter also has ginger hair and her middle name is Rose!
What do you say to yourself when you need a confidence boost?
Being a working mum and juggling family life whilst running your own business can sometimes get a bit overwhelming so I normally go for a run and have some thinking time. Taking time out away from the everyday (and laptop!) works wonders for me and gives me time to reflect on just how far I’ve come. I also have a folder in my email inbox with lovely emails and comments from customers plus magazine and press features of Halia Rose which is always a good mood-booster!
What's your favourite Stib word and why?
Whilst I like all the Stib words, “freestyler” is my favourite. It’s important to be you and I believe to be fully happy you need to be true to yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks. It’s important to live the life you want and follow your own dreams. There will always be people who make judgments or share opinions about what you’re doing or how you do them but you are the only one living your life so no-one else truly understands better what goes on in your real-life juggle than you. Although it may sound easier said than done, try to trust yourself and be kind to yourself – you can’t be everything to everyone!
Find out more about Halia Rose at or follow them on: