Stib Meets...Lucy Estherby
Meet….Lucy Estherby, Founder of Acorn & Pip
Lucy Estherby is the founder of children’s concept store, Acorn & Pip, a curated collection of sustainable, organic, design-led clothes, toys & nursery products for the coolest babies & kids. Rooted in mindfulness & authenticity, with children at it’s heart, Lucy was inspired to start the brand after motherhood totally changed the way she saw the world. She talks to us about how becoming a mum made her braver, why she believes we are all winging it & the endurance of childhood friendships.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a vet and even created my own RSPCA magazine when I was little. I’m not sure when I ever decided to not pursue it but I suppose it was more of an interest than anything! I worked in retail growing up and had a weekend job from a very early age. I love the buzz of a shop and I am a little obsessed with curating spaces so I am so thrilled that my next move in business is to open my own bricks and mortar store.
What advice would you give to yourself as a child?
Just be you. Don’t listen to anyone trying to scrutinise you or bring you down. I suffered with high school bullying and I wish I could go back in time and give myself a hug. Kids can be so mean. I did have the best friend ever during those times and she is still my absolute rock today so out of it all came the most amazing friendship.
What was the 'big idea' which inspired you to set up your business?
Motherhood. Motherhood made me brave, delirious and different. It was the change I’d always wanted but now I had the most precious reason to follow my dreams and make it for all of us.
What do you say to yourself when you need a confidence boost?
No one gets it right first time, second time or maybe even third. I’m a huge believer in that everyone is winging it and so I’ll wing it too ☺
What's your favourite Stib word and why?
Self believer – you absolutely have to back yourself to the full. Be proud of your decisions, believe that if you don’t do it then someone else will so with that in mind – do it!
Visit the Acorn & Pip online concept store at and follow them on social media at: