Stib Meets...Louise Webster
Meet Louise Webster founder of
In the latest instalment of our 'Stib Meets' interview series we’re talking to Louise Webster, Author of A New Way for Mothers and founder of website, - a place for parents across the country wanting to utilise their skills in the hours available to them. Find out how ‘big thinker’ Louise was inspired to help other mums find their passion and turn them in to a purpose and the very sound advice she’d give to herself as a child!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I didn’t really know when I was little, although I kept a scrap book of fashion designs under my bed and loved drawing them. I also used to see adverts in the newspaper about writing courses, never thought it would be for me but I look back now having just written a book and see the connection. We have these thoughts and dreams for a reason but all too often we can question or doubt them.
What advice would you give to yourself as a child?
Stay true to yourself, I know it’s hard but your values will connect with the world one day and it will all start to align. The working world may ask you to get tough but stay kind yet strong; follow your heart and intuition not others; don’t be dismayed by the knock backs they are redirecting you for a reason; support others but nurture yourself and watch for the signs they will show you the way.
What was the 'big idea' which inspired you to set up your business?
It was after I had my second child, I became so aware of the talent drifting away from the school gates each day and the challenges in working alongside caring for your children. I wanted to be part of the change and set up, the place to inspire, engage and connect parents with their skills and talents in the hours available to them. I grew it in exactly that way, the hours I had available, and started to share my learnings via our newsletter, amongst our community and most recently in a book ‘A New Way for Mothers’ which published this Summer (and is available on
What do you say to yourself when you need a confidence boost?
I try and reshape my thoughts when they are doubtful. I also find listen to inspiring vlogs and inspiration to keep me focused (I list a lot of these in my book).
What's your favourite Stib word and why?
World Changer - I absolutely love this quote ‘Be the change you want to see’ Mahatma Ghandi. It has guided me a lot on my journey.