Stib Meets...James Clark
Meet James Clark...Founder of Bundle Beds
In the third of our Stib Meets series, we are talking to founder of the revolutionary Bundle Beds, James Clark.The fully-bundled portable bed comes complete with self-inflating mattress, a built-in luxury duvet and 100% jersey cotton sheets. Simply unclip, unroll, unzip and it is ready to use making it perfect for sleeping over and camping out.
Discover what inspired James’ brilliant ‘big idea’ and what he says to himself when he needs a confidence boost.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a professional tennis player. I still love playing tennis, when I can work it around the business and family life, but I think turning pro may be a long shot for me now sadly. You never know though, there’s always the veterans tour! ;-)
What advice would you give yourself as a child?
Enjoy yourself. Life is short and very precious, enjoy every minute of it to play, learn, travel and enjoy the world around you.
What was your 'big idea' which inspired you to set up your business?
Keen campers, travellers and festival goers, my business partner and I came up with the awesome idea for a bed that can be rolled up and taken anywhere, without having to compromise on comfort. So that’s what we did, after a long time in research and development perfecting the product and following a highly successful Kickstarter campaign, Bundle Beds was finally born last year!
What do you say to yourself when you need a confidence boost?
You have invented a product, launched your very own business around it, and sell to countries all over the world and get amazing reviews from everyone that sees the product…you can’t complain at that!
What's your favourite Stib word and why?
Joy Finder – people often take life a little too seriously. We at Bundle Beds like to find fun and adventure in everything we do and bring joy to our own lives, and those around us.
For further information on Bundle Beds please visit