Stib Meets...Claire Russell
....Early Years Play Specialist Claire Russell
Claire is the writer, designer and creator of PlayPROMPTS, activity cards to inspire and empower parents with realistic play activities for young children. She talks to us about her love of shoulder pads and the importance of headspace – a great strategy for kids and adults alike!
Claire is the writer, designer and creator of PlayPROMPTS, activity cards to inspire and empower parents with realistic play activities for young children. She talks to us about her love of shoulder pads and the importance of head-space – a great strategy for kids and adults alike!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I never knew what I wanted to do but I wanted to power dress!! I wanted the suit, the shoulder pads, the briefcase!! It couldn't have turned out further from that could it! I spend most days in trainers, jeans and covered in all sorts!!
What advice would you give yourself as a child?
I think I would tell myself not to be so desperate to grow up! Enjoy being a child, getting lost in your imagination because childhood is so precious and goes by so fast!
What was your 'big idea' which inspired you to set up your business?
Erm well it wasn't quite a big idea as such! After sharing my activities on Facebook that I had been doing at home with Mason as a baby, on a total whim I decided to create a set of activity cards, playPROMPTS. I made one pack and advertised them. I had no idea they would sell the way they did. I honestly cannot believe that I now have over 20 packs in the range and to hear how many families I am helping with my play ideas.
What do you say to yourself when you need a confidence boost?
For me, I find stepping away from what I'm doing and giving myself some head-space normally helps me to see clearly. If something is playing on my mind it's normally because it's not quite right so I will go back and make changes. I also believe in trusting your gut instinct, I follow my instincts a lot!
What's your favourite Stib word and why?
I think storyteller, I'm passionate about children's stories, creative thinking and getting lost in our imaginations!
For further information and lots of inspirational play activities please visit
You can also follow Claire on Facebook at and Instagram at where you can tune in weekdays at 10am for live play demos hosted by Claire via Instastories.