Posts in Creative Kids
S is for Storyteller

Fictional or factual, stories offer us the power to imagine, to dream, to wonder what if. With stories, the possibilities are endless. They spark the creativity within each of us, while also giving us a chance to learn about the world and better understand others. Equally, telling stories allows us to explore our inner selves and strengthen our own identities.

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O is for Originality

Originality is one, the ability to think independently and creatively and two, the quality of not being the same as anything or anybody else. Being ourselves, treading our own paths, is the only way to truly achieve personal satisfaction and fulfilment. Here’s our rundown of our favourite brands advocating ‘originality’.

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F is for Freestyler

Being a freestyler is about celebrating our differences, and learning to be our true selves. It is only by allowing our children to express who they really are and enabling them to follow their passions, that we can give them the best opportunity to make their mark on the world. Here’s our summary of the best freestyle brands.

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10 Craft Bloggers We Love

It was Picasso who said ‘every child is an artist’ and exploring that inner artist enables our children to explore who they are, encourage creative thinking by stretching their imaginations and boost self-esteem by providing a sense of accomplishment. There are so many sources of inspiration on the web for making and creating and here are some of our favourites.

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Educating For The Future

Artificial Intelligence, which is gathering pace & widely spoken of as ‘the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ is going to see our young people in the eye of a storm of change not witnessed since the advent of electricity. It is estimated that a fifth of the workforce will be automated by 2030 (that’s 800 million workers*) and it is likely that a huge number of the jobs our children end up in haven’t even been invented yet. So with this in mind, how can we best prepare the next generation for a future that’s largely unknown?

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Playtime for Earth Lovers

Getting little ones out in the fresh air is so important, yet how many times have you found yourself stuck inside because you’re not quite sure how to keep them entertained outdoors? Well there are a lot of simple things you can do to initiate play outside while simultaneously helping your child learn about the environment, encouraging their curiosity and appreciation for the world around them.

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30 Earth Lover Ideas for Children

What grown-ups do today will have a huge difference on the future of the planet that our youngest citizens grow up in. At Stib, we believe Children are a Force For Good & have a lot to teach adults. The most important tool they have is THEIR Voice. That’s why we’ve pulled together a list of 30 world-changing actions that don’t need a grown up….

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